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  • SoftServed Gentleman

First Post!

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

Okay, first of all I just want to apologize for this past month’s content being aligned with the time frame I promised. I never really realized how difficult the end of the year/start of the New Year is. I wasn’t expecting for my mental health to be heavily affected by it.

The truth is that I’ve felt like I’ve been drowning for a few months now. Between the pressure of covid-19, “adulting,” the election, and this platform, it has been a lot. Regardless of that, I am here and ready to start stronger than ever! For a while now I’ve wanted to publically blog. This is because when I was growing up I would constantly be writing. However, I was discouraged because I’m not the best speaker or have the best grammar. I realized—who cared? My brand (Softserved Gentleman) is based off being 100% transparent.

My brand being 100% transparent is something I have been struggling with for a bit now. Ironically, it’s not due to documenting my personal transition. I have felt stuck in between talking about non transgender related topics. I have also felt stuck in between talking about adult/family/financial issues (or situations). I have also been stuck in between talking about mental health. I have also felt stuck in between talking about current events, and big world issues. But why would I feel stuck in between that? That’s because when I first came out, I never found any platform that was 100% transgender related content, so I was determined to create it. Now that I’ve created it, I feel hypocritical to post anything other than transgender related content.

Then I kind of had an epiphany—

This platform has been created on my personal story and my life. This includes all personal experiences (good and bad) which is why a lot of people like my platform. But all those topics (mentioned above) ARE a part of my journey too. That also applies towards you and your life! We are so much more than our transition, so I am deciding to use my platform to talk about the different faucets of my life and experience. As always, I am more than happy to help anyone and let others know you’re not alone. This is not exclusive to the LGBTQ+ community! It’s time to use my experience as the “jack of all trades” to use my visibility to encourage others- Honestly, if I can do any of this, so can you.

That is why I created this blog. I know it’s super unofficial, and maybe one day that will change. My goal was to be able to create different spaces for each topic. That way, if only one applies to you it’s easier to navigate.

If you made it this far, welcome and I’m so excited that you’re here.

XO’s and Ice cream cones,


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